Sunday, September 5, 2010


So I'm BACK!! 3 day weekend means I have a little bit of time so here I am.

Quick school update: It is CRAZY!
Moving on, Friday was Jesse's birthday so I went to his house for the afternoon. I got to meet his new nephew...SO CUTE!! I was reminded I am a baby hog...but really how could I be in my family and not hog a really cute 3 week old baby? Jesse's mom made beef Strogonoff (sp?) which was AMAZING!! And we had chocolate cake with chocolate icing for dessert.
Then yesterday Jesse and I went hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Temperatures were in the 70s and sunny blue skies everywhere!! OMG It was the perfect day! We hiked about 6 miles and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! The path was picture perfect.
Absolutely 100% perfect day! Including the left over strogonoff post hike!
Jesse didn't know I was taking random pictures. I have several that are very similar to this one.
For some reason I really like this one. I was fake running like a dork but it turned out pretty good I think.

So if you cant tell this has been a perfect weekend from birthday dinners to hiking to even studying in the afternoon sunlight. One more day of this weekend is left. I have some more sunlight studying calling my name :)
Until I post again,