Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3 Check!

Hello again,
Since I got some feedback last week, I guess I should keep going with these updates!

I am thinking I should actually work on these posts as they happen. I feel like I had a lot to say daily and had great plans for this blog but instead I am just tired at this point and have little to say...That and it is now TUESDAY of week 4!
Anyway I have a little energy left and people are making strange noises outside my window so I am going to attempt a post!

Last week I spent A LOT of time in the library. I thought I would take a picture while I was there so you could see how spread out I was but I always forgot while I was there. But I was and I was productive...I promise! If you don't believe me just look at the blanket I worked on while reading! I started it last Sunday and have this much done!
I have mainly been working on it while reading for class since that seems to keep me a little more focused and a little before classes start.
Anywho I spent almost 2.5 hours studying with a friend for our A&P 1 test on Friday and I did take pictures of our drawings and notes. This is Mary's picture of a neuron...Much prettier than mine but both still fit the need. Sorry it is sideways, but you get the picture...

Warren will be happy to hear that I now have a pet. He is a beta fish named Frank. (Warren was a little upset back in July when he found out I didn't even have a fish for a pet.) It was time for a new beta. It has been several months since Eugene went to fishy heaven and I am glad to have something to talk to at any time again... yes I am one of those crazy folks who talk to their fish. I think he likes it. He doesn't like to have his picture taken though. He gets all upset...which makes for a good picture when he is all fanned out. But that is beside the point. Alright, enough about Frank. I may give you updates about him periodically we'll see.
The most exciting thing that happend this past week was my training at Small Miracles Theraputic Equestrian Center, Inc. It was so neat to hear some of the stories about children who have and continue to be in the program. There are children who take their first steps and say their first words after being on a horse! These are children who are AT LEAST 4 years old! I can't imagine being there to experience one of these "firsts" but I am so excited about getting to be a part of the program. I will start October 18th going every Monday to be a side walker for one of the lessons! This means that depending on the student I may have a hand on the saddle or just walk along side of the horse while the instructor tells the student to do certain tasks such as turning the horse, tossing a ball, etc. I am excited to be a part of their Holiday session which lasts for 8 weeks! If you can't tell I am looking forward to starting my "service learning" and I will for sure post updates as I actually start going to help with lessons!
I think that is about it for last week. Sorry I didn't get anything up sooner. It was a long busy week last week just like every week has been!
Until next time!


Jill said...

Hmmm. And I thought you weren't going to post this week. Glad I came out to check it out!! The blanket looks awesome! I'm working on a pink/brown one, it's coming along nicely as well.

Enjoy your classes, your studies, and of course your time with Frank! Give him a fish kiss from his great aunt! Love you bunches!